Fixed Issue where all the animal pens are tied to the first farm created in Multiplayer. Lowered the view distance to run smoother than before. Note: I do not take complete credits for the models/objects as a few of them are from Fs17 maps where I did convert, make changes to models and textures. – Map is completely Error-free and just 4 small warnings that are harmless. – Increased filltypes to support Seasons, StrawHarvest, maize plus mods.

– Multi-Terrain Angle installed, using 32 angles. – Custom crop textures by “forgotten plants” and custom corn stubble and soybeans in rows from CCS101 & NEFG Modding (Base map from CCS101). Supports Precision Farming with Soil Map. – Added Anhydrous Ammonia as a new fertilizer type. – Added sell point for chaff, for those that don’t want to mess with making silage like me. – BeanStraw and CornStalk added and can be baled, sold for a good price. – Alfalfa crop added that re-grows multiple times per season can be baled and fed to cows. – Map has modified traffic, variable speeds with increased collision barriers. – There is a Case Dealership at the center of the map, animal dealer, Feed shop for seeds and fertilizer. – 13 sell points including wood, wood chips, cotton, milk, eggs, grains & root crops. – A BGA plant can be found on the center of the map which includes 2 large underground silage pits. I left out the house trigger so players can add their own houses.

– All farms have water and fuel triggers. – Custom silos for grain and custom harvestore silos for grass/hay/straw/alfalfa Included. – 8 custom farm areas on the map with the cow, hogs, sheep, horse & chicken pens. – Added Around 66 fields, ranging from medium to large. – Custom lighting added, orange sunrise and sunset, darker nights, denser clouds. – Foliage layers will change colors according to seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter) – Map is Seasons ready with a snow mask and custom Geo inbuilt (with Alfalfa). The map is based on the North-West part of Oklahoma, USA.